John F. Kennedy has been gone a long time, but his words still live with us. One of his most famous quotes is, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” We can take his valuable lesson and apply it your bar exam:
Ask not what your bar exam grader can do for you;
Ask what YOU can do for your bar exam grader.
When writing out bar exam essays and performance tests, it’s very important to be cognizant of the grader. Remember, the graders are human beings just like you. And yes, they pay attention to the organization and structure of your essay. They pay attention to the word choice and writing style.
Rather, than hoping your bar exam grader will pay attention to the fact that you know certain rules or mentioned certain facts, try pointing it out to the grader very explicitly using the following:
- Bold keywords
- Headings
- Underlining and numbering new issues and factors
- Having plenty of white space in your essay
- Having an organized structure
After all, if you were grading an essay, wouldn’t you want to see all these attributes? So, include them in your essays. Believe me, the graders do pay attention and your grade will be affected by it.
Check out these 8 things every bar exam essay should have so you make the most of your bar exam essays and ensure your bar exam success!
“This name appears on the pass list”
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