Plan Something Fun After the Bar Exam

by Dustin on

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I would like to share a story with you.  When I was 12 years old, I tested for my black belt in Tae Kwon Do.  The test was on a Friday and Saturday.  On Saturday evening, we were supposed to under-go the most grueling, challenging physical workout we had ever experienced at the time.

So, what did I tell my mom I wanted?  I told her to make a dozen chocolate chip cookies (my favorite treat by the way), and have them ready for me to devour on Sunday after my black belt test.

Guess what impact this had for me psychologically?

When I was going through the rough, intense, physical exercise of push-ups, sit-ups, sprints and all other endurance tests, there was only one thing on my mind.  Make it through today, and you get cookies tomorrow.

I created a reward for myself for doing a good job.  I created some kind of return that I would get quickly after my black belt test.

And this is what I was able to focus on.  This got my mind off the roughness of the exam, and onto the excitement of what I was looking forward to IF I gave that exam my all.

So, my advice to you is to create something exciting and fun for you to do after your bar exam?  Plan and book a wonderful vacation.  Plan to spend some time doing your favorite activity at your favorite place.  Make it immediately the day or weekend after the bar exam.

We all know you deserve it.

And it will create extra incentive, motivation, and an excited feeling within you to know it’s coming up so soon.  This will give you extra incentive and motivation to study.

So, what are you planning to do the day after you bar exam?

“This name appears on the pass list”

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