Crazy Bar Exam Success Stories

One of the best things I heard during my bar exam preparation were stories told to our class by one of the barbri lecturers of people who had undergone some crazy circumstances either during the bar exam preparation period or during test day.

I wish I remember all of them in depth, but the basic gist of what I got from these stories is that people had FAR-LESS than ideal circumstances and were able to pass.

Your bar exam prep, scores, or circumstances don’t have to be perfect or ideal.  You can miss, mess up, fall short all over the place many times, and still rebound for a bar exam win.

Story 1 – Bar Exam Birth

There was a pregnant woman who actually passed out during her bar exam because she started going into labor! And yes, this happened DURING HER TEST!  Not only did she finish, but she passed! Bar Exam baby births have actually happened on multiple occasions.

Story 2 – Guy just about gave up

We were also told of a guy who literally gave up after being paralyzed with fear during the bar exam preparation.  With about two weeks to go, he just froze and stayed on his couch for an entire week, without studying at all.  Finally, his friends came and convinced him to keep on going.  Afterwards, he kept on trudging and not only took the bar, but passed it as well!

Story 3 – Too Many Sleeping Pills

A lady was very worried she wouldn’t be able to get to sleep after the first night of her bar exam.  So, she decided to try something new by taking sleeping pills for the first time.  She still couldn’t sleep, so she took some more pills; then another set of pills!  Finally, she passed out.  Luckily she woke up in the morning, but was extremely drowsy during her entire MBE portion.  At one point, she said she looked at her answer sheet and saw that she had filled in all ‘A, B, C, and D’ for one answer!

Guess, what, she passed!

Story 4 – Sitting under a cooler

Although, not as dramatic, my law school roommate found himself in the bar exam room, having to sit under a cooler during his bar exam, freezing his buns off in the middle of summertime while he typed away.  He passed.

Here’s some more stories.

The bottom line is, you don’t have to live up to the stereotypical I-HAVE-TO-STUDY-ALL-DAY-EVERY-DAY-AND-FREAK-OUT-IF-SOMETHING-GOES-WRONG image.  If something happens, it happens.  Just be composed.

Isn’t life only 5% what happens, and 95% how you handle it anyway?

Good luck and go get them!

“This name appears on the pass list”

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Dustin Saiidi, author of The 7 Steps to Bar Exam Success, graduated in the bottom half of his class, but passed the bar exam on his 1st attempt. He shares how he overcame those challenges and gives tips, advice, and strategies so you can pass your bar exam, stress-free.

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