In this bar exam video, I share how you can still work at a job and pass the bar exam at the same time.
Hey everyone! Dustin here from and author of the #1 Amazon bestseller The 7 Steps To Bar Exam Success. And one question that I got in a recent webinar I did was how can one really balance between working and studying for the bar exam? You know it’s a delicate and careful, not so easy to define balance.
I’ll give you some advice but it’s not personal advice because I didn’t work while preparing for the bar exam. However, I’ve talked to numerous people who have and done a lot of research on this issue to help students who are working and taking the bar exam. There’s a couple things to be aware of. One is sometimes working while taking the bar exam can actually be beneficial because you’ve heard the saying if you give something to someone who’s already busy, they’re more likely to get it done.
The fact that you’re working maybe an 8 hour a day job puts you in that kind of mindset of going out there and accomplishing and getting things done. You’re already in that mindset, so when you come home you might be exhausted or whatnot but if you put some focus on the bar exam as well and you kind of still have that mindset of going in, you can be more efficient than those who don’t.
There’s also a saying, ‘the time it takes is the time you have.’ If you have 4 hours to do something versus 8 hours to do something, you’ll get it done in the 4 hours, whereas someone if they have 8 hours, they’ll probably still take 8 hours. You end up being more efficient through your bar prep as well.
Some study plans that I’ve heard from people who’ve worked and taken the bar exam, here’s one of them – if they work from 8:00-5:00, they come home, they have dinner, relax a little bit. And then from 6:00 – 10:00 they spend studying for the bar exam. And they’ll do that 5 nights a week. And then the weekends they’ll dedicate the whole weekend to studying for the bar exam as well.
If you can kind of handle that kind of intensity in your bar prep, then that’s not a bad schedule for you and that could work. You’ll end up being a lot more efficient, a lot more focus and you probably get things done more than if you have the whole week open to do whatever the heck you want. Working while taking the bar exam can be an advantage in that way.
Another technique that people use while working is maybe they’re working full time; they’ll cut their hours to part time. So instead of working 40 hours a week, they’ll work 20 hours a week and spend that time studying for the bar. Or you’ll start full time initially and then maybe the last 2 or 3 weeks you cut it down to part time or even you take off those 2-3 weeks and just focus on the bar exam, get those last things down that you want. You can even start studying earlier if not as well. So that’s another possibility, you start studying earlier for the bar exam and that can help you as well while working.
These are some options that you can utilize how to maintain a really work and bar exam prep balance. Energy management is going to be key, so if you have family or support, someone when you come home the dinner is made. They give you a nice little 10-minute massage or something like that, loosen you up, relax you a little bit. That can be a huge help during your bar prep as well if you happen to be working.
That’s my advice on how to deal with working in the bar exam. Please go ahead and like and share this video if you’ve found some use for it. Also head on over to and get your free PDF download, The 12 Keys To Bar Exam Success, to help you save time, save money and pass your bar exam this time around. Until next time. I’ll see you in the next video. And always remember that your name appears on the pass list.
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