Increase your Bar Exam Confidence

Many people have lots of fears going into their bar exam.  So, let’s turn to the late tennis player Arthur Ashe for some advice.  Arthur was the first African American to play for the US team in the Davis Cup and won the NCAA championship in tennis.  He later went on to win the U.S Open and Wimbledon championships during his career.

When asked how he accounts for his speedy rise to success in tennis, Arthur responded:

One important key to success is self-confidence.
An important key to self-confidence is preparation.

Preparation. Preparation. Preparation.

To truly be ready for your bar exam, it’s really important to prepare as best you can.  Put in the time and the effort.  Be committed to going for it and making it happen.  Don’t take the bar exam in half-stride, in your strategic preparation, nor your mental preparation.

Do the work. Do what you have to do.  Your bar exam destiny is in your own control. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.  The bar exam will be a challenge and a struggle.

But you can do it.

All you have to do is keep on moving and keep on preparing.  Take it seriously and just picture the results you will achieve and the reasons why you want those results.  Do it all in stride with a smile on your face, and that name on the pass list will be right around the corner.

Prepare well and work hard.  Your confidence will soar.  And so will you when you pass.

Because You are a Bar Exam Passer.

“This name appears on the pass list”

You Control Your Bar Exam Destiny

As your preparation for the bar exam nears, it’s important to keep in mind who your biggest competition is for your bar exam.  And, it’s quite simple.  Look no further than your own mirror.

You are Your Biggest Competition

Some people like to get caught up in the statistics of the bar exam pass rates.  Well, in some jurisdictions the numbers look bad.  The pass rate in California for February is less than 40%.  But guess what, you are not competing with other people.

You are competing with yourself.

In the end, what others are doing to help them pass the bar exam does not really matter.  It’s all about you.

This is not a football game. Your outcome does not depend on the how well the other team plays. This is like running a marathon.  You are in complete control as to how you finish. You are in control of the preparation, the mindset, and the follow through.

You control your Bar Exam Destiny!

So, if your mind ever starts wandering and focusing on how you’re going to do compared to other people, bring it back to yourself.  Affirm, “I control my destiny. I can do this.”

Do so and you will be well on your way to reading the following come results day:

“This name appears on the pass list”