CA Bar

The CA bar exam is considered the most challenging of all the bar exams.  It is longer than most other bar exams and traditionally has a lower pass rate.

But that information is only good information to know what’s ahead.  It is NOT a determining factor in how you will do.

Don’t you want to know if the road ahead is going to be smooth like ice cream or a little more rocky like a sprinkled donut?

But either way, you’re probably going to keep moving forward and eat either of those delights, right?  So, it’s really just a matter of preparing and knowing how you’re going to move forward for the bar exam.

Too many people get caught up in the stats of the CA bar being difficult and having a lower pass rate, they forget that it’s not about others, it’s about themselves.

It’s about you.

How are YOU going to prepare for your bar exam?

How are YOU going to react to adversity along the way?

It’s easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others, but what ‘they’ do isn’t going to be what ultimately matters.

It’s about what YOU do.

So, make the decision now that you are going to do what it takes to pass the bar exam.  Make the decision that if others have done it, so can you.

It’s your bar exam, and it’s your time for your glory.

I’ll be here to ride alongside you during your journey.  Read around the blog.  Subscribe to my newsletter.  I send all kinds of exclusive tips and coaching to my newsletter subscribers.  Subscribe to my podcasts. Join me on Twitter and Facebook.

Let’s make this bar exam the only bar exam you ever have to take again!

“This name appears on the pass list”